These Guidelines for Inclusive Engagement Action Plans in VET Institutions have been prepared as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project InclusiVET: Inclusive Engagement of Underrepresented Students in Vocational Education & Training.

The Guidelines consist of a set of pathways to be followed by a VET institution that aims to launch a new inclusive learner engagement strategy for the first time or test/improve its already existing inclusive learner engagement strategy and practice. The guidelines are intended to be of relevance in the context of all countries and educational systems that aim to prepare action plans for the improvement of

inclusive engagement in their VET institutions. While the tools that are introduced in these Guidelines can be adapted to VET institutions’ own structures, they can also be used independently or incorporated into other policy processes and tools focusing on learner engagement.


These Guidelines for Inclusive Engagement Action Plans in VET Institutions have been prepared as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project InclusiVET: Inclusive Engagement of Underrepresented Students in Vocational Education & Training.

The Guidelines consist of a set of pathways to be followed by a VET institution that aims to launch a new inclusive learner engagement strategy for the first time or test/improve its already existing inclusive learner engagement strategy and practice. The guidelines are intended to be of relevance in the context of all countries and educational systems that aim to prepare action plans for the improvement of inclusive engagement in their VET institutions. While the tools that are introduced in these Guidelines can be adapted to VET institutions’ own structures, they can also be used independently or incorporated into other policy processes and tools focusing on learner engagement.